Bill Binnie, who is running in the Republican primary for senator of New Hampshire, put up a web video on his campaign website yesterday, promising that, if elected, he will make sure “all immigrants learn English.” After all, he says, it’s the “language of America,” and “it’s the language of international commerce, science, and even the internet.”
Apparently Binnie has never seen the video of the Russian Trololo guy.
Binnie says in his video that “for our kids to prosper and succeed, they must speak English.”
“It’s simple,” he adds. “Americans should have allegiance to one flag and have one official language — English.”
A recent PPP poll shows Binnie trailing Republican opponent Kelly Ayotte 47%-14% leading up to the September 14 primary. In a general election match-up, the TPM Poll Average shows Binnie leading Dem Rep. Paul Hodes 45.5%-39.5%.