Poll: Donald Trump Holds Onto First Place Even After McCain Backlash

El precandidato presidencial republicano Donald Trump habla durante un acto de campaña en Bluffton, Carolina del Sur, el martes 21 de julio de 2015. (Foto AP/Stephen B. Morton)
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The backlash against presidential candidate Donald Trump in recent days has been unable to knock him out of first place nationally in the Republican primary, according to a poll released Wednesday.

The survey by Democratic-leaning Public Policy Polling found Trump narrowly led the crowded Republican field nationally with 19 percent. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker was a close second with 17 percent.

The poll was taken after Trump criticized the military service of Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) over the weekend. McCain was a prisoner of war in Vietnam for five years, who refused to early release after his captors found out that his father was high-ranking military officer.

The poll found 22 percent of Republicans agreed with Trump’s comments about McCain compared to the 50 percent who disagree with the disparaging remarks.

Three other candidates were polling in double digits, according to PPP. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush polled at 12 percent while former pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson and Sen. Marco Rubio (FL) polled at 10 percent.

The poll was conducted among 1,087 voters, 524 of whom were Republican primary voters, on July 20 and 21. The margin of error was plus or minus 3 percent overall and plus or minus 4.3 percent for Republicans. The poll was conducted by landline, except for the 20 percent who didn’t have a landline and completed the poll online.

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Notable Replies

  1. Notice that aall the hubbub is killing Bush III

  2. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker was a close second with 17 percent.

    That’s the guy that does scare me.

  3. Note to self – Buy shares in Orville Redenbacher – ( hurry )

  4. “Trump narrowly led the crowded Republican field nationally with 19 percent. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker was a close second with 17 percent… Jeb Bush polled at 12 percent.”

    Bush!? … the old money, establishment, feed the DOD choice.
    Walker … the stealth, ALEC, privatize everything choice.
    Trump … the get-a-brain-morans! choice.

  5. “Democratic-leaning” PPP…

    Always with this caveat. I never see the same caveat for any republican polling outfits.

    I blame the liberal media.

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