After President Donald Trump and White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer complained on Monday that the media does not adequately cover terror attacks carried out by or inspired by the Islamic State, the Trump administration released a list of 78 terror attacks they say have been ignored by the press.
Here’s the list the White House sent of attacks they feel “did not receive adequate attention from Western media sources.”
— Kevin Liptak (@Kevinliptakcnn) February 7, 2017
White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walters said later on Monday that “these terrorists attacks are so pervasive at this point that they do not spark the wall-to-wall coverage they once did,” according to the Washington Post.
“If you look back just a few years ago, any one of these attacks would have been ubiquitous in every news outlet, and now they’re happening so often — at a rate of more than once every two weeks, according to the list we sent around — that networks are not devoting to each of them the same level of coverage they once did,” she said, per the Post.
However, the list includes several attacks that did earn a lot of media coverage, like the San Bernardino shooting in 2015, the shooting at the Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest in Texas in 2015, and the November 2015 attacks in Paris.
Where’s Bowling Green, Mr. #SoCalledPresident?
Could any of these have been prevented by Trump’s travel ban?
Odd, I have heard of all them. Many quite extensively.
Perhaps the Illiterate Ogre hunched over his Android in his WH cave hasn’t – but then, it’s no surprise. But it’s not the fault of the press.
Jiminy crickets, when is Sphincter gonna get sick of being trotted out like the village idiot every morning so that all and sundry may laugh and hoot at him and his ridiculously ignorant, boorish Führer.
didn’t read the list 'cause I’m lazy but did it include the OKC bombing courtesy Tom McVeigh?
or the Bundy Clowns standoffs?
the Colorado Theater shooting?
to name a few
so it goes from unreported to under-reported to not giving the incidents “wall-to-=wall coverage.” Now we see the motivation for this critique: Trump want to be in charge of the media, too.