The Washington Post’s editorial section on Friday joined the ongoing media protest of the Washington Redskins’ incendiary name.
The Post’s editorial writers made it clear that the policy is “only for editorials” and the change won’t apply to reporters who cover sports and news. That isn’t quite as far-reaching as the policy instituted earlier this summer by the Seattle Times, which barred the team’s name from appearing in its print and online editions.
But the Post’s writers noted that the editorial page “has for many years urged the local football team to change its name” and that Post columnist Charles Krauthammer expressed misgivings with the name in a piece last year.
“You would not dream of calling anyone a ‘redskin’ to his or her face. You wouldn’t let your son or daughter use it about a person, even within the privacy of your home,” the editorial read.
Dan Snyder just announced that “the Washington Newspaper” would no longer have unfettered media access to the Redskins.
Since their copyright has been revoked, I’d have hoped by now the market would be flooded with knockoff merchandise, cutting into the profits of the owner. Nothing makes a rich guy squirm more than watching himself lose money.
However reasonable and persuasive Krauthammer’s comments may seem here, it’s still always a good idea to point out for the sake of balance that he’s a bleedin’ malevolent psychotic.
The TerM is AN hONORific THAt CeLEbrateS the BRAverY and DIgNITy of INDIans AND their SensiTIVITY to fiELDs of GarBage. THEY seeM UNgraTEful theY are BEIng HONored. In FAct MILLIONs of IndiaNs in A studY 10 YEars AGo EMbraCE the NAMe. It’s LIKE caLLINg a BANKer a CApitaLISt. ANyway Are THEY UPSET wheN We SIMILArly HONOr a cerTAIN potaTO??? POLItical COrrenctness run AmOK!1111!one!!!11111!!!
I have a dream: The Washington football team is playing a home game, and somewhere over the cheering & booing you hear one lone, hoarse voice from the owner’s box singing “Hail to the Redskins.” Then the crowd ALL starts booing and drowns the mean-spirited little fucker out.