President Donald Trump spoke with Vladimir Putin over the phone on Thursday and thanked the Russian leader for lauding U.S. economic performance during his annual press conference, the White House said Thursday evening.
Putin specifically praised Trump’s “quite serious achievements” when it comes to economic growth during the press conference. The Russian leader also dismissed the notion that Russia worked with the Trump campaign to influence the 2016 election.
As special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe intensifies, Trump has continued to deny that his campaign colluded with Russia. The President has also avoided affirming the wide-held belief that Russia was behind the 2016 election hacking, so much so that his aides avoid mentioning it to him, according to the Washington Post.
Hopefully he thanked his bots for making comments against Net Neutrality on the FCC website as well.
How anyone thinks this is good or normal defies explanation.
I have nothing snarky to offer this morning about this treasonous sack of shit. Nothing. May he choke on a wad of his Big Mac before Christmas. Would be the best Noel ever.
Well, just tune into ‘Fox and Friends’, I’m sure they can get you straightened away.
I used to, at one point think it was an act.
Silly me
He really is that shallow and stupid.
Putin playing him like a cheap violin.
Even better it’s in the middle of an investigation into his ties with Russia
As we said in grade school.
Smooth move asshole.