With The End In Sight, Trump Goes All In On Criminalizing Hillary Clinton

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally, Sunday, Nov. 6, 2016, in Sioux City, Iowa. (AP Photo/ Evan Vucci)
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During the first of five rallies that Donald Trump has planned for Sunday, the Republican nominee railed against Hillary Clinton, anticipating that she will soon be indicted, to cheers from attendees at a rally in Sioux City, Iowa.

“There’s little doubt that FBI Director Comey and the great special agents within the FBI will be able to collect more than enough evidence to garner indictments against Hillary Clinton and her inner circle despite her effort to disparage and discredit the FBI,” Trump said, prompting “Lock her up” chants in the crowd.

Though it’s not clear that the FBI’s new review of emails related to Clinton’s private server will lead to charges, Trump has reinvigorated his portrayal of Clinton as a criminal since the latest announcement from the FBI, and he continued to do so on Sunday.

“If she were to win, it would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis. In that situation we could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and ultimately a criminal trial,” Trump said.

Trump threw his supporters some new red meat, bringing up a new New York Post report that claims Clinton asked her maid to print out emails with classified information at her house in Washington, D.C.

“Just today we learned Hillary Clinton was sending highly classified information through her maid — Did you see? It just came out a little while ago — who, therefore, had total access to this information, completely jeopardizing the national security of the United States,” Trump said. “This just came out. Wikileaks.”

He claimed that investigations into Clinton will make it impossible for her to govern.

“We need a government that can go to work on day one for the American people. That will be impossible with Hillary Clinton, the prime suspect in a far-reaching criminal investigation. Her current scandals and controversies will continue throughout her presidency and will make it virtually impossible for her to govern,” he said. “Let’s hope we don’t have to think about it. If she ever got into the oval office, Hillary and her special interests would rob our country blind. That’s what she’s been doing.”

“At the heart of this election is a simple question: Will our country be governed by the people or will it be governed by the corrupt political class? We’re going to find out very soon. If we win, the corrupt politicians and their special interests lose. If we win, the American people, and you understand that, if we win, what’s going to happen to the American people? If we win, you’re going to be so happy because if we win our country is going to start winning again,” Trump continued to cheers from the crowd.

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Notable Replies

  1. Avatar for pumor pumor says:

    Let him bask in the adulation of his rabid followers. He’s not winning over any new voters.

  2. Avatar for pshah pshah says:

    I know we’re going to win on Tuesday…and I’m tired of it.

    At least, he’s got that part sorta right.

  3. All that is obviously stuff he’s simply reading. He could never improvise anything that coherent. So it’s pure Conway and Bannon, this lunacy. They’re the criminal conspiracy.

    P.S. Keep spouting your gibberish, you stupid ape. Henry Cisneros came to my town’s Dem headquarters today to give 50 canvassers a pep talk before they headed out there. FUCK YOU. That’s the message they’re sending with every step they take. All you did for the last 16 months was make tens of millions of us loathe you all the more. FUCK YOU SHUT UP and GO THE FUCK HOME WE DON’T WANT WHAT YOU’RE SELLING.

  4. “If she were to win, it would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis. In that situation we could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and ultimately a criminal trial,” Trump said.

    The 2016 GOP presidential candidate has 76 pending/likely lawsuits and at least two credible court trials to deal with in the future. #justsayin

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