President Donald Trump has put in place political advisers at several federal agencies to keep an eye on the agency chiefs and make sure that they are staying in line with the President’s agenda, the Washington Post reported Sunday evening.
The aides hold the title “senior White House adviser” and report to Rick Dearborn, former chief of staff to Jeff Sessions who now leads the Office of Cabinet affairs in his capacity as White House deputy chief of staff, according to the Washington Post.
Per the Post:
Most members of President Trump’s Cabinet do not yet have leadership teams in place or even nominees for top deputies. But they do have an influential coterie of senior aides installed by the White House who are charged — above all — with monitoring the secretaries’ loyalty, according to eight officials in and outside the administration.
The aides act as a go-between on policy matters for the agencies and the White House. Behind the scenes, though, they’re on another mission: to monitor Cabinet leaders and their top staffs to make sure they carry out the president’s agenda and don’t stray too far from the White House’s talking points, said several officials with knowledge of the arrangement.
Read the full report at the Washington Post.
How very Communist of you.
Yes, Trump installed “Commissars” to monitor the political loyalty of his subordinates to the Communist Republican Party!
Now when will Lin Biao, er, Bannon begin the KKKultural Revolution?
Or should we refer to them as “KKKommissars”?
Notice, not loyal to an agenda put forward by the President, loyalty to the President. But isn’t that how a Cult of Personality works? Doesn’t matter the agenda - what ever is uttered aloud by the Cult Leader becomes the rule to follow - or pay the price.
A cult leader who not only dabbles in Conspiracy theories and is convinced that he can make no error, but who eschews advisors and briefings by experts, and lets underlings push out whatever policies they like (such as the extreme budget) as long as they don’t contradict the cult leader, er, President.
OMG, this is so creepy!
How completely Stasi-like.
How far we have descended, thanks to this asswipe in chief.