Labor Secretary: Trump Team Requests For Agency Staffer Names ‘Illegal’

Labor Secretary Thomas Perez speaks at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation's Hiring Our Heroes program and the George W. Bush Institute's Military Service Initiative national summit, Wednesday, June 24, 2015, at ... Labor Secretary Thomas Perez speaks at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation's Hiring Our Heroes program and the George W. Bush Institute's Military Service Initiative national summit, Wednesday, June 24, 2015, at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington. The summit focuses on creating employment opportunities for post-9/11 veterans and military families. (AP Photo/Molly Riley) MORE LESS
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Labor Secretary Tom Perez said that it was unlawful for the Trump transition team to request the names of individual staffers employed at government agencies like the Energy Department, CBS News reported Tuesday.

“Those questions have no place in a transition,” Perez said, according to CBS. “That is illegal.”

“Will dedicated career people be targeted because they were doing the right work?” he added.

In mid-December, the Department of Energy rejected Trump staffers’ request of a list of all staffers who worked on climate policy in the Obama administration. A DOE spokesman touted the “important work” done by the department and said the inquiry “left many in our workforce unsettled.”

The transition team later disavowed the questionnaire requesting employees’ names, saying it was “not authorized or part of our standard protocol.”

Yet last week it asked the Department of Homeland Security for the names of staffers who work on programs to counter violent extremism.

A similar request made to the State Department for information on “gender-related staffing, programming and funding” was filled because it did not ask officials to identify employees by name.

Perez told CBS he wasn’t aware of “blanket questions” posed to the Labor Department about its staff or programs.

Asked by CBS to comment, a transition team spokesperson said, “the transition has a memorandum of understanding in place with the administration, and we continue to uphold both of our ends in this agreement.”

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Notable Replies

  1. Avatar for msm msm says:

    This is what we’re going to be dealing with for a long time… people who don’t know the rules or just plain ignore them. I can hardly wait for the triumphant stooges to walk into the face of reality and get smacked down on day one. They are arrogant now… just wait.

  2. Their " wish lists " for xmas have gone unfilled …

    Now they’ll attack Santa —

  3. “Those questions have no place in a transition,” but that problem will resolve itself on January 20 and the questionnaire from the transition team will then be replaced by an executive order from the newly installed Chairman of the Board.

    “Will dedicated career people be targeted because they were doing the right work?” is rhetorical in the extreme, especially when “the right work” is highly subjective.

  4. It is going to be a long four years. The idiots who voted for “that man” will endure a dose of honest to God blunt reality; blunt enough for them to actually comprehend the damage their obstreperous vote has caused this country.

  5. They may actually comprehend the damage but I have no faith in their ability to grasp the cause and effect, if A then B syllogism.

    Welcome to TPM.

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