Ted Cruz Asks Supporters To Help Scott Walker Pay Off 2016 Campaign Debt

Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, speaks during an interview with the Associated Press in Washington, Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2015. Cruz outlined an approach to foreign policy inspired by Ronald Reag... Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, speaks during an interview with the Associated Press in Washington, Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2015. Cruz outlined an approach to foreign policy inspired by Ronald Reagan, saying he would restore the American leadership missing from the world under President Barack Obama. But pressed on how he would address specific hotspots of today, Cruz places limits on American action, including refusing to back ground troops to combat the Islamic State. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) MORE LESS
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Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), fresh off a bump in the polls, used his new visibility on Monday to ask supporters to help Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker pay off debt accrued during his failed Republican presidential bid.

Cruz called on his “#CruzCrew” to help the governor pay off his nearly $1 million campaign debt, tweeting a snippet from a Walker fundraising email soliciting donations to cover “unavoidable campaign debt.”

In bold type, the email calls paying off the debt “the only thing to do,” and promises those contributing at least $30 a limited edition lapel pin from Walker’s now-defunct campaign—a collector’s item since the governor left the race in September amid dismal poll numbers and dwindling cash flow.

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Notable Replies

  1. Wow, that’s mighty white of old Teddie to do so. Mighty white.


  2. Let that fucker pay it off. He’s got Koch dollars being funneled to him as we speak. And btw, what a cheesy pin.

  3. That’s a face meant for slapping.

  4. I suggest he set out a collection bucket at Bucks games.

  5. “Ted Cruz Asks Supporters To Help Scott Walker Pay Off 2016 Campaign Debt.”

    Giving money to Republicans to pay off failed campaign debts just fosters dependency.

    They should pull themselves up by their own boot straps.

    Besides, they’ll just spend it on booze.

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