During an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Thursday night, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) continued to rail against President Obama for continuing to support the U.S. plan to bring Syrian refugees to the U.S., noting that terrorists would be encouraged to lie by the “religious philosophy in Islamism” in order to enter the U.S. posing as a refugee.
“It really is remarkable that twice this week, President Obama has attacked me directly,” Cruz told Hannity, referring to the President’s remarks bashing Cruz’s proposal that the U.S. only allow Christian refugees from Syria into the U.S. “Obama, instead of defending this nation, just attacks you and me and every American who wants to keep this nation safe.”
Later in the interview, Hannity noted that Islamic State terrorists could lie in order to pose as refugees and immigrate to the U.S. The senator agreed.
“There is a religious philosophy in Islamism that encourages them to lie to carry out jihad,” Cruz said. “And if you looks at Islamism, it is a theocratic and political ideology that says they are compelled to use violence and force to murder anyone that doesn’t share their radical faith or to forcibly convert them.”
Crus also noted during his interview with Hannity that Sen. Pat Leahy (D-VT) argued that the U.S. never tried to block Irish or Italian immigrants.
“He said, gosh, his ancestors were Irish and Italian and we didn’t block him,” Cruz told Hannity. “And I responded to Pat Leahy and I said, ‘You know what, on my mother’s side, my ancestors were Irish and Italian. The difference was, they weren’t coming here to blow up and murder innocent civilians.'”
Watch the interview via Fox News:
BeattyCat: “Religious Philosophy of Hard-Line Christianists Encourages Them to Lie, Steal, Hate and Kill … All in the Name of Jesus.”
“And if you looks at hard right Christianity, it is a theocratic and political ideology that says they are compelled to make war on any country that doesn’t share their radical faith or to forcibly convert them.” FIFY
Not sure if “Religious Philosophy in Islamism Encourages Jihadists to Lie”, but I’m pretty sure that running for the GOP nomination for President of the United States does.
But would Teddy Cruz ever lie to get attention and con people into voting for him? Gosh, surely not …
When is the media going to start asking Sen Cruz to explain the difference between ISIS’s idea of government and the Dominionism he is preaching on the stump in Iowa?