Ted Cruz Takes Tea Party Victory Lap After Cantor Defeat

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz address delegates at the Texas GOP Convention in Fort Worth, Texas Friday, June 6, 2014. Cruz has fired up the Texas Republican Convention, promising to lead a conservative revolution unseen sinc... U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz address delegates at the Texas GOP Convention in Fort Worth, Texas Friday, June 6, 2014. Cruz has fired up the Texas Republican Convention, promising to lead a conservative revolution unseen since the days of Ronald Reagan. The tea party favorite is a possible 2016 presidential candidate, and seemed like one during his speech Friday before thousands of adoring delegates who gave him numerous standing ovations. (AP Photo/Rex C. Curry) MORE LESS
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Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s (R-VA) defeat to primary challenger David Brat shows that the “conservative base is alive and well” and “voters in Virginia made D.C. listen loud and clear.”

Cruz said that in a statement released Wednesday, a day after Brat’s upset victory over the top House Republican. Here’s the statement:

The results of last night’s election in Virginia are reverberating all through the nation’s Capitol. Eric Cantor is a good man, but last night, voters in Virginia made D.C. listen loud and clear. This election should be a reminder to all in Congress – Republicans and Democrats alike – that the conservative base is alive and well, and the American people will hold us all accountable. Each of us needs to do what we said we would do and tell the truth. Washington needs to listen to the people, stop spending money we don’t have, and stand up and defend the Constitution. I look forward to working with soon-to-be-elected Rep. Brat to help turn our nation around, to pull back from the fiscal and economic cliff we are facing, and to bring back jobs, growth, and freedom in America.

Cruz’s office also highlighted an interview he did with Glenn Beck on Wednesday in which he talked about state Sen. Chris McDaniel’s (R-MS) strong chances of winning a runoff election and defeating Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS).

“As bad as it is getting, and it is getting bad, we’re seeing liberty under assault, we’re seeing an administration trampling our constitutional rights, disregarding the rule of law, but as bad as it is getting, it is waking people up. You look at the results of last night,” Cruz said. “Dave Brat was outspent 50 to 1, and yet the people woke up and said we’re tired of business as usual in Washington.

“You look at the results in Mississippi, where the fourth longest-serving member of the Senate has suddenly found himself in a runoff because Chris McDaniel is running a strong grassroots campaign. How does Washington respond? By heaping lies and personal attacks, and trying to attack any candidate who takes on the Washington status quo.”

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Notable Replies

  1. Which should tell YOU, Mr. Ted “Carnival” Cruse, that your time is coming and all that money you spend 90% of your senatorial time working to collect, instead of doing your job as a US Senator, won’t help you.

    The other 10% is spent traveling. Which is a good time to pander also.

  2. Republicans celebrating the defeat of other republicans. Works for me.

  3. Republicans gerrymandered districts come back to bite them in the butt. Every single thing these losers do comes back and bites them. Do they learn? Hell no. Nature of the willfully ignorant to never learn.

  4. Let the cannibalism continue~enjoy the meal, Republicans.

  5. When Cantor isn’t conservative enough for you, you have gone WAYYYYYY to far to the right. Soon, moderate Republicans will start voting the morons out, hopefully starting with the Canadian guy!

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