Steve King: Obama Executive Action On Immigration Could Trigger ‘I’ Word

U.S. Rep. Steve King speaks during a hearing to criticize a proposal from the Environmental Protection Agency to reduce the amount of ethanol that must be blended with gasoline in 2014, Thursday, Jan. 23, 2014, in De... U.S. Rep. Steve King speaks during a hearing to criticize a proposal from the Environmental Protection Agency to reduce the amount of ethanol that must be blended with gasoline in 2014, Thursday, Jan. 23, 2014, in Des Moines, Iowa. The EPA in November proposed reducing by nearly 3 billion gallons the amount of biofuels required to be blended into gasoline in 2014, prompting outcry by political leaders from both parties who claimed such a move would devastate Iowa's economy and cost thousands of jobs. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall) MORE LESS
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Rep. Steve King (R-IA) refused to utter the word “impeachment” on Sunday, but warned that if President Obama used executive action to defer more deportations of undocumented immigrants, it might be the only option left for Congress.

“None of us want to do the thing that’s left for us as an alternative,” King said on “Fox News Sunday” when host Chris Wallace asked if Obama delayed more deportations could lead to impeachment.

“I think Congress has to sit down, have a serious look at the rest of this constitution, and that includes that ‘i’ word that we don’t want to say,” King continued, explaining that executive actions would trigger impeachment talk. “And I only say that now on this program because I want to encourage the president, ‘Please don’t put don’t put America into a constitutional crisis.'”

When Wallace pressed King on whether impeachment was “on the table,” King echoed his concerns on immigration.

“Where would we draw the line otherwise? If that’s not enough to bring that about, then I don’t know what would be,” he said. “We’ve never seen anything in this country like a president that says, “I’m going to make up all immigration law that I choose, and I’m going to drive this thing regardless of the resistance in Congress.'”

King has called for impeachment before, though most Republicans in the House say that they don’t want to impeach the President.

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Notable Replies

  1. Keep talking, Congressman. Keep talking.

  2. Hey Steve? You’re a gutless hateful punk, and just as much of a media-whore as all the “moderates” in your own party who you regularly betray.

  3. Avatar for jw1 jw1 says:

    Bring it on MFer.
    Help us out here Steve.


  4. Fine…just shut up and do it. Al least this useless House will have done something instead of just pout. Tired of it.

  5. King continued, explaining that executive actions would trigger impeachment talk.

    As he and many of his sputniki talk about [and have talked about] impeachment.

    Do these people ever listen to themselves speak? Or listened to what they said a week ago, a month, a year ago? It’s almost like the scope of history, to these folks, is no longer than a few nanoseconds into the past.

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