Colbert On Brokered Convention: ‘You Can Binge-Watch The Death Of The GOP’ (VIDEO)

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In light of Donald Trump’s latest Super Tuesday victories, “The Late Show” host Stephen Colbert explained on Wednesday night’s episode how a contested GOP convention would play out.

If Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) cannot overcome Trump’s large delegate lead, it could result in multiple rounds of voting in Cleveland.

“See when a candidate wins a primary, he really wins delegates who are committed to him at the convention, but only for the first ballot,” Colbert said. “So if Donald Trump doesn’t get 1,237 delegates in the first round of voting, they’re all free to vote for whoever, which is great news. The Republican campaign could start all over again. But this time it’s all one week: You can binge-watch the death of the GOP.”

Watch the clip, via CBS, below:

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  1. Possibly a little OT, but as far as Trump is concerned, I haven’t heard many talking about the one person who is probably going to drive Trump out of his fucking mind: Barack Obama. I have a feeling he is going to ride Trump’s ass all the way to the November election, no matter who the Dem nominee is. He has a way of getting under Donald’s skin like no one else, and I honestly believe Herr Trump will start saying things that, while being cheered by his racist Teabagger base that has wanted the Republicans to basically call Obama a ni**er for nearly 8 fucking years, are not going to be looked on very kindly by the rest of the American electorate. And unlike when Palin was having her rallies in 2008 when Dearest Sarah was calling Obama a terrorist and people in the crowd were yelling for him to be lynched, our exceptional media cannot ignore it when Trump personally insults the President and probably the rest of the Obama family. And besides, Trump going up against Obama is like Chuck Norris competing against the acting chops of Meryl Streep and Daniel Day-Lewis combined.

  2. Good post, dommyluc.

    I think Trump is quite possibly the most dangerous human on the Planet right now…And his MSM handlers are dragging him along with butterknife “journalism” which could make Adolf come across as Robert Young.

    For example, Nate Silver (and others) say that Trump does not have a lock on getting to 1237 Delegates.
    For example, Lawrence says that conventions with multiple votes are quite common

    Very little of this from MSM outlets. They want Drama…they want $$$$$$,…they want commercial time…they want TRUMP I may be a minority on this site, but a Trump GOP nomination would be the most dangerous political act in United States history (Gautam Mukunda). Gautam Mukunda, Asst. Prof of the Harvard Business School asserts (in a 2 March 2016 HuffPo article) that Trump could pull off an upset, no matter how repulsive he is because elections can have unforeseen events which entice weak-minded people to vote for a “strongman”.

    However, I am in the minority and most people want a Trump run as a GOP Nominee…for all the reasons expressed by many many people.

  3. It seems fairly clear that the GOP is going to try to deny Trump the nomination unless he gets to 1237. Even 1200 may be too little to stave off a contested convention. If that happens it will be total pandemonium on the convention floor. Look at the bullying behavior of Trump’s campaign manager. Look at the way he behaved over a question he didn’t want asked by a very friendly “news” outlet. Imagine how less “polished” Trump supporters and delegates will behave when they attempt to wrest the nomination from him. There most certainly will be blood.

  4. I am not a violent man…so I would prefer that Trump arrive with less than either Kasich or Cruz. I also know that this is not probable.

    However, “blood” or not, denial of the GOP Nomination to Trump will, for me, rank up there with the return of my son from combat in the Middle East. This man is too dangerous to have only ONE event (the General Election, albeit vastly in the Democrats’ favour) stopping him from the Oval Office

  5. Hey, Lesslie Moonvies, the President and CEO of CBS came right out and said: “Trump has been great for ratings.”
    They only see the $$$$, not the damage done because frankly, they don’t give a shit. As long as they get top dollar for their TP and Beer commercials, that is all they care about.
    The Fourth Estate was destroyed years ago when it became “just another profit center” to the Mega-Media Monopolies and Trump is the logical end-game of that mindset.
    He is most “Ratings Positive” candidate, so he gets the most fawning coverage.
    The entire Trump Campaign is being treated like a free “Reality Show” by the MSM. Zero cost, maximum profit.

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