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Sarah Palin: Obama Is ‘Being A Chicken’ About The Paris Attacks

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Former GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin took time out from promoting her television show this week to slam President Obama for not using the term “Islamic terrorists” to describe the perpetrators of the last week’s attacks in Paris.

“It is, in a sense, being a chicken,” the former Alaska governor said during a Wednesday appearance on “Inside Edition,” where she was promoting the second season of her show. “They’re so politically correct, and yet they’re so politically wrong on just about everything.”

She also criticized the White House for not sending a prominent official to a massive unity rally in Paris that was attended by other world leaders.

“We didn’t have a high-ranking official go over and unify with other world leaders and say, ‘No, this Islamic fundamentalism that is resulting in such terror across our globe; we’re not going to have that in our land,” Palin said.

The administration conceded Monday that that move was a mistake.

Also during the interview, Palin declined to endorse a potential 2016 presidential run by Mitt Romney.

“We need new energy, we need new blood, we need new ideas, and we need people who are really bold enough to go rogue,” she said.

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h/t: Mediaite

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  1. ROMNEY is THE ONly candiDATE whO HAS the GUTs to GO ROGUE. A severE conserVATIVE, repleTE with ROGUIOSITY, He’[LL MAKE CHIcK KIEV (whICH I can PRACticalLY SEE FROM my front Porch) out OF the WHIte HOUSe CHicken. OHbummer’s A CHIcken NOT to UNIFY. HE’s Wants THE terrOR to COMe to AMerica and It has. OHIO was NEarLY a MUSHRoom clOUD. FIGHT Libtards, FIGHT OHbummer, SAY no to CHICKEN!11!!!1!one!1!!! I just GOT all SPARKLY in my PANts.

  2. The babblings of a drug-addicted narcissistic arrested-development emotional tween.

  3. Sarah Palin took time out from promoting her television show this week to slam President Obama for not using the term “Islamic terrorists” to describe the perpetrators of the last week’s attacks in Paris.

    I don’t think she took time off from it at all.

  4. Coming up next on Inside Edition…Taylor Swift’s newest boyfriend, you wont believe what this puppy did while his owner was away, and Sarah Palin babbles incoherently…

  5. Usually I let comments from this Idiot go by as she is too stunned to even dignify with a response, but as I am crabby today…Sister Sarah…shut the FUCK up already.

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