Most Americans say unaccompanied minors arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border should be allowed to stay at least for a while, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll.
Fifty-one percent of Americans surveyed said they shouldn’t be deported, a figure that cuts against the views of the Obama administration and congressional Republicans, who disagree about how to treat them but agree that they should be sent back quickly.
Of the 51 percent, 38 percent said the U.S. should care for the children until it was safe for them to return to their home countries, while 13 percent wanted to let them stay.
Thirty-two percent of Americans said the undocumented children should be swiftly deported.
Obama and congressional Democrats insist the children should be given due process for removal. Republicans have pushed to change a 2008 law in order to let U.S. officials deport the children more speedily.
Ignorant,selfish bigots make the loudest noise, but fortunately they don’t represent the most people.
As a staunch Romney Republican, I believe the children who have been here the longest should be put to work deporting other children before being deported themselves. No free rides.
How could one be a staunch Romney republican, given that you have to chance your stance on every issue multiple times a day? Perhaps “a changing with the wind Romney republican” might be more descriptive?
(I understand your comment was snark, but I just couldn’t resist…staunch and Romney are just two words that should never go together)
In other words, majority are not heartless d-bags.
But the news media tells me we ought to deport those kids so they can die in a hail of gunfire, carry drugs for the cartels or be sold into the sex trade. I mean their calves are the size of cantalopes.