Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) called the National Rifle Association a “quasi militant wing of the Republican party” Thursday on the Senate floor.
Reid’s comment followed a Wednesday shooting rampage in San Bernardino, California that left 14 people dead and more than a dozen others injured.
“The NRA once called mandatory background checks, ‘reasonable,'” Reid said. “But now, its leadership and organization have transformed into a quasi militant wing of the Republican party.”
“Those who choose to do the NRA’s bidding will be held accountable by our constituents,” Reid added. “Something has to be done. We must take a stand. The American people are desperately looking for help, some help, any help.”
President Obama said Wednesday that not all mass shootings can be prevented, but gun control legislation could “improve the odds that they don’t happen as frequently.”
Reid echoed those sentiments.
“It will never be possible to prevent every shooting,” Reid said. “We know that. But we have a responsibility to try. There are certain things we can do.”
h/t: Politico
Hit 'em again, Harry. HARDER.
YEAH!! Get 'em, Harry!!
That will raise a few hackles, but the denial will only grow more profound.
Keep it up, Harry. And I wish Democrats would make a point of noting that people on the no-fly list can still walk in and legally buy a gun. Chip away at the NRA’s positions bit by bit, and start by using the heartland’s pants-pissing fear of terrorists.
As much as I bitched about filibuster reform at the time when it was a big issue among us Democrats, I’m gonna miss Harry Reid a lot when he retires. He often times is a real diamond in the rough…