More than 100 Republicans have signed the final draft of a letter to be sent Tuesday urging Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus to shift resources away from Donald Trump.
Among the letter’s 123 signees are two current members of Congress, Rep. Scott Rigell (R-VA) and Rep. Reid Ribble (R-WI), and 27 former RNC staffers.
The letter urges Priebus to “immediately suspend all discretionary RNC support for Trump” and instead allocate resources to House and Senate races in order to “save the Republican Party.”
Read the full letter below:
The signatures read like a job resume–like they are preparing documentation for the future, “Don’t blame me, I tried.”
They should have thought about this during the primaries and gone after Trump to prevent him from getting the nomination, but they were too craven and cowardly to risk alienating their base. Have fun with that whirlwind!
Two whole members? A bit of a misleading headline perhaps?
Some Republicans are now realizing their ENTIRE PARTY have been conned as the “useful idiots” of a Russian FSB psy-ops campaign to politically weaken American and NATO and are jumping overboard off of the “SS Trumptanic” as fast as they can in the hope the stink of TREASON won’t stick to them.
This goes very, very deep into the FOX News entity (Rupert Murdoch’s former WIFE is now Putin’s girlfriend?) and needs to be investigated by the FBI/Homeland Security.
This could get verrrrrrry interesting!