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Reince Priebus Talks Trump Taco Bowl, Minority Outreach: ‘He’s Trying’

Reince Priebus, Chairman of the Republican Party, introduces Dr. Ben Watson as the luncheon speaker at the Republican National Committee meetings Thursday, Jan. 15, 2015, in San Diego. (AP Photo/Lenny Ignelzi)
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Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Preibus says he didn’t see that Cinco De Mayo tweet of Donald Trump digging in to a taco bowl, but he says that at least Trump is “trying” to make inroads with the Latino community.

“He’s trying,” Priebus said as the audience erupted into laughter at the Politico Playbook breakfast Friday morning. “He’s trying and I’ll tell you what I honestly think he understands that building and unifying and growing the party is the only way we are going to win.”

Trump tweeted a photo of himself Thursday with a hard shell taco salad bowl covered in a dollop of sour cream and said “Happy #CincoDeMayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics!”

Priebus admitted that Trump had some work to do in order to ensure that the RNC’s minority outreach on the ground is reflected in his campaign.

“You also need to have the tone at the top be the kind of tone that people believe obviously you like them.If people don’t think you like them then they’re not going to vote for you,” Priebus said.

“Do Hispanics think Donald Trump likes them?” moderator Mike Allen asked.

“Number one, I think there is work to do,” Priebus said. “I have said that many times. This is not like breaking news.”

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Notable Replies

  1. He isn’t trying. He doesn’t even believe he’s being offensive. Priebus really should wake up and realize he’s dealing with a man who honestly and truly believes everyone loves him no matter what he says or does.

  2. “Well, bless his heart! He’s REALLY REALLY trying! And he likes chop suey and fried chicken and watermelon, too!”

  3. The problem that seems to go over their heads is that he shouldn’t have to try not to be a bigot. The fact that this is what he considers to be “outreach”, just shows how clueless they are about how offensive they are on a daily basis.

  4. I look forward to him “trying” to play a competent father in June.

  5. Reince, saying Trump has work to do in regards to his reaching out to the Hispanic community is like saying Kim Davis has work to do reaching out to the gay community.

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