House Speaker Paul Ryan’s office put out a Friday email blast to “unite the clans,” a reference to the Academy Award-winning film “Braveheart.”
The email calls attention to Ryan’s penchant for referencing the epic film about the Scottish battle for independence while pushing his plan to unite conservatives around a “bold, pro-growth agenda.”
The email also featured a gif of star Mel Gibson from that scene in the film.
“Building a movement—particularly one based on such an inclusive approach—takes time, but as Braveheart reminds us, it’s all worth it in the fight for ‘freeeeedooooooooom,'” the email read.
Yes! And we all know how Braveheart ended… May the same thing happen to Ryan.
Does this dumb mother fucker know that Gibson has a history of cheating and beating women? Is it the fascination with the extremist version of Catholicism Mel and his pops are into? Ryan was a cheerleader for Any Rand until he discovered at age forty something that she was a atheist sucking on the government breast for services when she was ill in late life.
The Klans are already pretty well united, Paul.
Really, that is pathetic. Every time Rayn gets drunk, he can’t stop thinking about Mel Gibson.
The clans reference may be quite apropos - based on some sociological stuff about settlers from herding cultures tends to be more conservatively vigilant about their perceived ‘honor’ than liberal agrarian cultures (who have to live together).