Hailing it as a triumph for separation of powers, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) said Thursday that the Supreme Court’s tied vote that effectively blocks President Obama’s immigration executive actions shows that the President “is not permitted to write laws.”
“Today, Article I of the Constitution was vindicated. The Supreme Court’s ruling makes the president’s executive action on immigration null and void,” Ryan said in a statement. “The Constitution is clear: The president is not permitted to write laws—only Congress is. This is another major victory in our fight to restore the separation of powers.”
The Supreme Court’s tied vote in the case affirms a lower court’s decision blocking executive actions signed by Obama that protect some undocumented immigrants from deportation.
not having a full court to make the decision doesn’t mean you’re “vindicated.” It just means you didn’t do your job.
HAHA. TOO baD for LIBtards. NOW that ILLEgaLS have lost THE RIght to VOTE, TRUMP is a SHOE-in.
Conressional power, huh. Well, my little aubergine, if you gonna be impotent, you gotta act impotent and talk impotent.
“… only Congress is… between vacations.”
Gosh…why don’t you WRITE some then instead of sitting on your butt wh ining and sniveling and trying to stop everything from happening? Poor Paul…what a jerk.