President Obama delivered his last jokes at the annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner on Saturday.
Among the victims of his punchlines were Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Prince George.
Watch his full remarks:
Obama’s always good but Larry Wilmore, doe…
I thought his performance was brilliant. The Colbert WHCD all over. The ppl in the room in stunned silence as many ppl at home get cathartic glee from their discomfort.
The President absolutely killed it with his speech, and the mic drop at the end was totally justified. Like Charlie Pierce says, Obama has no more fucks to give. We will probably not be lucky enough to have another smart, funny, and classy Presidential family in the White House in our lifetimes like this one. I can find things to disagree with in terms of policy, but on the whole, thanks Obama.
I thought he went pretty easy on Trump, but Trump has let his fool flag fly so much since last June that it might be the ultimate wisdom not to try to outdo the beclowning he’s practiced on himself. In general that was one of the truly laugh-out-loud funniest presentations I’ve ever seen. One aspect of his leadership I think we’ve mostly understood implicitly, which is that you can be funny and smart and get stuff done in the political world and do it with class and dignity. The rest of them carry on in a such a way you might doubt that, but Obama’s going to leave us with that standard and challenge. I hope the rest of the would-be leaders in this country have been taking notes all this time, because examples like that are all too rare. You don’t have to crawl to be a leader, or be an obvious hypocrite, or pander shamelessly. People actually prefer that you don’t, as far as I can tell. Pass the word.
Let’s hope Hillary nominates him for the SC, so he really won’t be gone.
Taking into account, what was happening behind the scenes while President Obama was giving his speech and gutting Trump, I have to wonder what small miracle he pulled off during this half hour.
Probably just world peace (whirled peas) or something smallish like that.