President Barack Obama said Wednesday that he still planned to issue sweeping executive orders on immigration reform after the Republicans won control of Congress on Tuesday.
“Before the end of the year,” he told reporters at a press conference, the White House will “take action to improve function of immigration system.”
“I think it’s fair to say I’ve shown a lot of patience and tried to work on a bipartisan basis as much as possible,” he added.
But Obama repeated his desire for Congress to pass a comprehensive immigration reform bill that would “replace and supplant” any actions he would take. The president also declined to provide any new details of what his coming actions would cover.
“I’ve consistently said that it is my profound preference and interest to see Congress act on comprehensive immigration reform bill,” he said.
AMerICANs IS wHITe aND SMart. THEY woN’t StaND for THIS nonsense. DicTAtorY NOBAMA fraught WITH USUrperY BroWNing AmerICA wiTH ILLEgal ActioNs sneekily going beHINd the WILL of the American PEOPLe!1!!!one!!!1!!!
Good luck with that one! In fact good luck with everything. My two cents. Nothing will get done, nothing will be accomplished, except the rich will get richer and corporations will become more powerful.
Smart move by Obama.
When Republicans whine about this, he can dare them to pass a replacement bill in Congress.
Nothing to lose now.
Of course the media will be soundly behind the GOP if this happens. Every Democratic/WH spokesman will be attacked by the Sunday talk shows while they throw softballs to their GOP friends like Rand Paul.