Merriam-Webster pulled none of its Wagnerian punches on election eve, updating its Twitter header to reflect the high-stakes imagery bandied about by both major-party nominees in their closing arguments.
We’ve updated our Twitter header in honor of the election.
— Merriam-Webster (@MerriamWebster) November 7, 2016
One reader commented on the doom-and-gloom imagery of the update, but Merriam-Webster had a response ready for them too.
‘Heartsease’ just wasn’t cutting it anymore. @tiva1000
— Merriam-Webster (@MerriamWebster) November 7, 2016
Merriam-Webster previously weighed in on Donald Trump’s misspelled tweets, digging into its linguistic files to give the Republican candidate the benefit of the doubt—to a point.
We can only hope that tomorrow’s word/phrase will be “disaster averted.”
In response to the epic new HRC campaign ad, the Drumpf Campaign simply responded with a still shot of their campaign headquarters this evening.
WTF, Merriam-Webster?
Thankfully, thanks to the InterTubes, HOTOG will have some theme music tomorrow.’s Armageddon … and armageddon damn sick of it.