Mitch McConnell believes it is quite possible that Donald Trump’s policy proposals and tone toward Latino voters could endanger the Republican Party for decades with one of the fastest growing groups in America.
In a Thursday interview, CNN’s Jake Tapper asked McConnell if he thought it was possible that Trump would alienate Latino voters the way Barry Goldwater alienated African-Americans from the party for decades.
“I do. I do, and I think that the attacks that he’s routinely engaged in, for example, going after Susana Martinez–the Republican Governor of New Mexico, the chairman of the Republican Governor’s Association, I think that was a big mistake. What he ought to be doing now is trying to unify the party,” McConnell said in the interview.
In his newly released memoir, McConnell writes that that even he voted for Lyndon Johnson during the 1964 election because he was so turned off by Goldwater’s policy on civil rights.
McConnell told CNN that Goldwater’s fervent attacks against the 1964 Civil Rights Act redefined the GOP’s standing with black voters for decades.
“It did define our party, for at least African-American voters, and it still does today,” McConnell told CNN.
Hey - you already endorsed him so why start beefing about it? Hopefully, it’ll be a cascading defeat for all of you.
Sorry to be the one to inform you there McTurtle…I think most POC have moved on from seeing fervent opposition to the Civil Rights Act. And probably base their feelings on the little more contemporary racism by your Racist party, candidate and his fervent worshippers…probably the KKK endorsements are just a rounding error at this point given how underwater you and your fellow chuckleheads are with anything not lily white.
Yet he has your seal of approval…
No shit Sherlock!
More Noseless-dumbass than Nostradamus.