Conservative pundit Glenn Beck said Tuesday that he had received an email from Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) vowing to quit his Congress if the Iran deal went through.
Beck read the email on air during his radio show.
“I just got an email from Louie Gohmert. He said, ‘Last week, I announced to the world if the House and Senate will treat Iran — the Iran treaty as a treaty, I will not run for my congressional seat again. It’s the only thing that I have left that our leadership wants beside my integrity,'” Beck said.
President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran had been opposed by some GOPers and 2016 Republican presidential candidates. On Tuesday, it was announced that Obama had enough votes to prevent the Senate from passing a measure disapproving the deal.
“And after last week that I spent in Egypt, I feel so compelled to do absolutely everything I can to derail this president’s drastic move towards a nuclear Holocaust,” Beck read. “I won’t run again if the House voted on my attached resolution and the Senate voted on ratification.”
This is the best news ever!! If only, he’d actually do it.
That alone switched 20 votes.
Just like The Fat Junkie promised to leave the country if Obama was re-elected?
Or just like Mr. Potato Head said he’d be waterboarded for charity?
I support Rep. Gohmert’s bold decision to rid Congress of its most idiotic member.