Wilmore Asks If America Is Ready For Another Black President (VIDEO)

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Since its premiere, “The Nightly Show” has been checking in on the end of President Barack Obama’s presidency with a segment called “The Unblackening.”

But on Wednesday night’s show, host Larry Wilmore realized Republican voters are open to another black candidate: retired neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson.

Carson is the only candidate whose poll numbers are consistently competing with those of Republican frontrunner and real estate mogul Donald Trump.

But Wilmore isn’t convinced that the soft-spoken doctor can do the job.

“No offense, but I don’t need my President to perform brain surgery, just like I don’t need my brain surgeon to be President,” Wilmore said. “Ben Carson separated conjoined twins, congratulations, wonderful! Let me just say Mr. Smarty Pants, this country needs someone who could bring people together not someone who’s an expert at pulling them apart.”

“Nightly Show” contributor Mike Yard had another idea about Carson’s surging appeal: the black shield.

“He’s a black shield,” Yard told Wilmore. “He can make any criticism about Obama and no one can claim racism because a black guy said it. Obamacare is worse than slavery. Shielded!”

Wilmore also wore a Black Lives Matter bracelet on air. It was given to him by the same man who gave a bracelet to Stephen Colbert last week.

Watch the clip, from Comedy Central, below:

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  1. Avatar for topcat topcat says:

    Bumper sticker: Ben Carson :point_right: Your Black Friend

    the fact he is polling 2nd and was basically ignored last night, speaks volumes.

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