GA GOP Aide: Atlanta ‘Men’ Drinking ‘Cosmotinis’ Whine About Snow

Philip Wilheit Jr. serves as finance co-chairman for Rep. Jack Kingston's (R-GA) Senate campaign. Photo from Facebook.
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One of the finance chairs for Rep. Jack Kingston’s (R-GA) Senate campaign complained on Facebook about “‘men’ in Atlanta” who need to “drink less cosmotinis” and stop complaining about the city’s response to a recent snowstorm.

Philip Wilheit Jr., whose father also ran the campaign for Gov. Nathan Deal (R), wrote that on his Facebook page after Deal had attracted criticism for the poor management of emergency procedures that left the city looking like a set for The Walking Dead.

Here’s the initial Facebook post:

Hey Atlanta! Quit whining about how inconvenient the last few days have been. It’s called earth and weather and it does what it wants. On the west coast it make the ground shake and makes buildings and bridges fall on you. On the gulf coast the oceans swallows miles of land and blows trees homes to smithereens. In the Midwest funnels pick up cars, houses and people and rip them to pieces. In the north the snow is measured in meters and the temperatures make things like ears fall off. So stop complaining about your long commute home….at least it was still there when you finally arrived.

In the comments section of the post Wilheit also wrote:

Sick of the whining. The “men” in Atlanta need to drink less cosmotinis and forget about ever getting another pedicure. Be a man like the guy who hiked 6 miles through the snow and ice to be with his daughter. Spend more time in nature and less time bitching about it. If more people had not panicked and bolted out of the office at noon we would not have gridlocked the highways and the DOT could have treated them. I left my office in Gainesville at 7:15pm. Checked traffic reports. Found a good route home and traveled 50 miles in 1.5 hours.

Deal said to reporters earlier in the week, “We don’t want to be accused of crying wolf. Because if we had been wrong, y’all would have all been in here saying, ‘Do you know how many millions of dollars you cost the economies of the city of Atlanta and the state of Georgia by shutting down businesses all over this city and this state?'”

Wilheit joined Kingston’s campaign last April.

(H/t Atlanta Journal Constitution)

(Photo credit: Facebook)

Update: By Friday afternoon Wilheit seemed to have taken down the Facebook post but TPM was able to capture images of the comments. They are below:

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