Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), the House GOP Whip who was elected this week as the new House Majority Leader, on Sunday said that President Obama is not the biggest problem Republicans face when negotiating on legislation.
“The challenge has been Harry Reid,” McCarthy said on “Fox News Sunday,” blaming gridlock in Congress on the Democratic Senate Majority Leader.
“The Senate has not moved anything. They never send something to the president’s desk. So, how do you even negotiate with the president if he doesn’t have a bill on his desk?” McCarthy asked, explaining that the Democrat-controlled Senate blocks bills and keeps the House bills from the President.
This post has been updated.
\Keep given them hell Harry and keep calling them out for the do nothings they are
Right, repugs are trying so very hard to pass legislation that helps all of America and not just the 1%. Sure KEVIN.
I thought I remembered Nancy Pelosi being the hellish demon?
What in the blazes happened to that? Hey, she didn’t get one o’ them exorcisms done, did she?
Yah, if that damned Harry Reid would just put some of those GOTP jobs bills, with all the unrelated to jobs riders like rolling back the ACA, eliminating funding for women’s health issues, killing funding to NPR, give-aways to energy companies etc. then all of America’s problems would vanish into thin air! (along with many Americans quality of life).
Damn you Harry Reid!
All becuz Benghazi!!!@WQ21!11q!!!1
Of course, another Democrat or two is responsible for the r’s failure to do anything meaningful. I knew it all along