Comedian Stephen Colbert was already reportedly the top choice to replace late-night host David Letterman in 2015, but with Jon Stewart’s endorsement, he just might have it in the bag.
In a conversation with Vulture on Wednesday, Stewart said his Comedy Central comrade hasn’t had a chance to show off all his unique talents on “The Colbert Report” and would be “remarkable” as a late-night host.
“He’s done an amazing job with just that very narrow cast of character, but he’s got a lot more he can show,” he told Vulture. “He’s got some skill sets that are really applicable, interviewing-wise, but also he’s a really, really good actor and also an excellent improvisational comedian. He’s also got great writing skills. He’s got a lot of the different capacities. Being able to expand upon [those] would be exciting.”
Stewart also reportedly discussed Letterman’s retirement with CBS, but Vulture reported that the allure of late-night has pretty much faded for the comedian. Stewart had been floated as a possible replacement for Letterman twice before.
“I don’t have that gear, I don’t think,” he said of hosting “Late Show.” “I just don’t really have it anymore. I really like what I do, not that Stephen doesn’t. But he has a real opportunity to broaden out in a way that I don’t.”