Presidential candidate and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) sent a letter to President Barack Obama this week asking him to avoid “inserting the divisive political agenda of liberal environmental activism” while commemorating the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.
Obama was visiting New Orleans on Thursday to mark 10 years after the disaster.
The letter from Jindal, dated Wednesday, read:
While you and others may be of the opinion that we can legislate away hurricanes with higher taxes, business regulations and EPA power grabs, that is not a view shared by many Louisianians.
I would ask you to respect this important time of remembrance by not inserting the divisive political agenda of liberal environmental activism.
Furthermore, the people of Louisiana have already agreed upon a pragmatic and bipartisan approach to preventing and mitigating the damage of future weather systems.
Jindal, who was a congressman during the storm, wrote a “lecture on climate change” would not improve New Orleans — something residents did themselves.
“It would distract from the losses we have suffered, diminish the restoration efforts we have made, and overshadow the miracle that has been the Louisiana comeback,” he wrote.
Read the two-page letter below:
Bobby didn’t get the memo about Obama’s lack of f^cks to give.
BOBBY MaKEs a GOOD pOINT abOUT INJEctING diVISIve TOPICs likE CLIMAte chaNGE intO THE solemn aNNIversaries of Katrina AND of COURse OHbumMER wiLL INGORE BECause scIENCe.
Bobby Jindal is an irrelevant little dweeb.
Little Piyush’s dickishness is coming through strong.
Little Piyush’s very short dickishness is coming through strong.
There! Fixed it for you!