Pennsylvania state Sen. Jim Ferlo (D) came out as gay in a pretty direct way.
“I’m gay. Get over it. I love it,” Ferlo, who is retiring, said during a press conference against LGBT hate crimes on Tuesday, according to audio posted by Mary Wilson at WITF broadcasting.
“I’ve never denied my homosexuality,” Ferlo said. “I just never made an official declaration.”
Wilson noted that Ferlo’s announcement probably makes him the first openly gay state senator in Pennsylvania.
At LGBT equality press conference, Sen Jim Ferlo announces he’s gay. I believe that makes him the PA Senate’s first openly gay member.
— Marywilson (@Marywilson) September 23, 2014
The Huffington Post noted that Ferlo is the sponsor of legislation that would expand Pennsylvania’s hate crimes law to also cover LGBT people also.
(H/t: The Huffington Post)
WhY do GAY have TO BE sO IN-your-FAce ABOUt being GAy. I’m NOt runnING aroUND sAYIng I"M not GAy, GEt OVer IT.
I wish more Dems would use this approach about so called controversial things. Like Landrieu yesterday.
Maybe the Dem that went to a strip club when he was in his 20’s should take note.
I also love that even though he wasn’t out all along, he supported legislation that protected LGBT rights unlike so many that are closeted on the other side of the aisle.
I was appalled to learn, after a mob of upscale white kids in Philadelphia who don’t know how to choose an appropriate shirt for an evening of overpriced faux-fine dining (they would never know the difference) assaulted and hospitalized a gay couple as their after-dinner group activity, that PA has no hate crime legislation.
Nice experiment in not caring, but it’s time for PA to get real.
Did a gang of gay kids in Philadelphia roam the streets beating up people for being straight? Time to look beyond the right wing propaganda.
pssst, he’s caricaturizing the right wing propaganda.