Two members of the family that stars on the reality TV show “Duck Dynasty” said that Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) had their vote for President, Fox News reported Thursday.
Jep and Jessica Robertson reportedly announced their support for their state’s governor after he announced his presidential bid on Wednesday.
“I definitely would vote for him, he’s a very, very good man,” Jep Robertson told Fox’s entertainment website, Fox411. “We’ve gotten to chat with him several times, kind of just talking, he’s a great dude… he’s very transparent, has a great family, so yeah I’d definitely give him my vote.”
Robertson’s older brother, Willie Robertson, reportedly expressed support for Jindal in May.
“I’ve been talking a lot with Bobby Jindal, who is our governor,” Robertson told Fox411. “Bobby is a good friend of ours. He and his wife are good friends of Korie and [mine]. He has been on our television show. Anybody that comes down and has been on an episode of ‘Duck Dynasty,’ obviously is the frontrunner in my book. … Besides all that, he’s a good man. He’s a godly man. He’s honest.”
OK, I don’t need any more convincing how stupid you morans are.
Has anyone explained to these faux rednecks that Piyush is not a well tanned Cajun?
the BJ stooped low enough to be in their show…
That’s a good enough endorsement for me. I’m a Democrat, but if Jindal wins the Republican primary, he’s got my vote. Unless, of course, something of equal probability stops me from it (hit by falling space debris, for example).
Manbuns. 'Nuff said.