Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) on Thursday offered yet another answer on the Iraq war saying that, given what he knows now, he would not have authorized an invasion of Iraq.
Those comments strongly contrast ones he made on Monday to Fox’s Megyn Kelly when he said he would have authorized an invasion. A day later, he backtracked, saying he misheard the question and did not know what he would have done. On Wednesday, Bush said he refused to answer as it would be a disservice to American troops.
But at an event in Tempe, Arizona, on Thursday, Bush gave yet another answer.
“I would have not engaged. I would not have gone into Iraq,” Bush said.
Bush’s initial comments sparked criticism from likely and declared 2016 candidates. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R), who’s strongly hinted at a White House bid, said he would not have gone into Iraq given what we know today. Declared candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said “of course not” when asked the question.
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ANd NOW BUSh SHITs ON OUr sOLDiers BY claIMing He wouldn’T go INTO IRaq. Our SOLDIers RIDDEd SADDam OF his WMDs and TRAnsformed THE MIddle EAst into A staBLE deMOCracy forever!!!1!!!one1!!!
Everyone needs to read the Editor’s Blog. Josh lays it out with an understanding that seems to be missing from other analyses of Jebya’s foot in mouth problem. Privileged foot, of course.
Oh good lord. Is it too early to call Jeb’s campaign an epic failure? I just don’t see how he recovers from this.
It’s too late to try and stuff that toxic toothpaste back into the tube.