DNC Needles Jeb For Saying He’d Invade Iraq: ‘Hindsight Isn’t 20/20’

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush ponders a question as he speaks at the winter meeting of the free market Club for Growth winter economic conference at the Breakers Hotel, Thursday, Feb. 26, 2015, in Palm Beach, Fla. (AP... Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush ponders a question as he speaks at the winter meeting of the free market Club for Growth winter economic conference at the Breakers Hotel, Thursday, Feb. 26, 2015, in Palm Beach, Fla. (AP Photo/Joe Skipper) MORE LESS
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The Democratic National Committee responded on Monday to former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush’s (R) remark that he would have invaded Iraq in 2003, knowing what he knows now.

“Apparently hindsight isn’t 20/20 for Jeb Bush. Even knowing how badly we were misled, he would still have done it all again,” DNC spokesperson Kristin Sosanie said in a statement to reporters.

“Even knowing what we all know now to be false intelligence, Jeb would make the same decision,” she added. “Jeb Bush’s disastrous go-it-alone approach is wrong for our country.”

Bush made the comment in a sit-down interview with Fox News’ Megyn Kelly, who asked him whether he would have toppled Saddam Hussein as his brother’s adminstration did, “knowing what we know now.”

“I would have,” Bush answered.

Conservative radio host tore into Bush during her show on Monday, saying that “[y]ou can’t still think that going into Iraq, now, as a sane human being, was the right thing to do.”

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  1. Avatar for jw1 jw1 says:

    Jeb fupped-duck.
    No $oup for you!


  2. Yep. That one is going to haunt him. That is, if anyone is actually paying attention to… Hey look, A SQUIRREL!!!

  3. Avatar for caltg caltg says:

    No doubt the families of the 4000+ military men & women killed in Iraq and their thousands of maimed and crippled colleagues injured in that stupid war will appreciate Jeb’s commitment to his brother’s war. Moreover, as the Middle East spins further out of control, largely as a result of that war, with thousand more people dying every day, the people of the region will no doubt see as a Jeb a welcome emissary of the Bush’s good fortunes.

  4. I expect Jebya to say he misunderstood the question, implying that he THOUGHT it meant ‘based on what was known at the time’ … despite being clearly stated otherwise.

    So, rather than wishing it understood generally that he suffers from one horrible trait for a POTUS (insanity) Jebya will wish it understood that he suffers from another disastrous problem for a POTUS (adult attention deficit disorder).

    Actually, I don’t think we blue lib-prog southpaws even have the remotest idea of what Jebya might have been up to with that answer. My OWN Iamnotanoctopus theory is this is yet another example, like with him listing himself as “Hispanic”, of Jebya pandering so freakin’ hard that all the contractions, inconsistencies, logical fallacies and outright nonsense in the world don’t matter to him, the polling says that’s what he has to say so that’s what he says.

    Nor do I believe that in saying these sorts of ridiculously inane things that Jebya is being in the least disingenuous. This is who Jebya is: his life has no meaning outside this ludicrously misconceived idea of his ‘destiny’. When Jebya’s Poppy was POTUS, Gary Trudeau used to portray Poppy not as an empty suit but as a disembodied fractured-sentence uttering voice emanating from an Imperial Roman centurion helmet. Jebya is yet another empty toga’d offspring of that empty-helmeted Poppya.

    Wingers CLAIM to hate Dubya and what he did; I think they lie - I think when they keep raising that stupid “Miss me yet?” line, they really mean THEY miss Dubya, and they want DUBYA back - but not necessarily Jebya, who might not be Dubya enough for them. So, Jebya’s trying to prove his loyalty to the Bush family code.

  5. He is from the delusional neo-con school of thought that invasion was correct, and that the occupation was simply bungled. No amount of fact, rational thought, or argument can ever convince a True Believer™.

    That even the GOP/conservatives think he is an idiot and insane for saying this, is pretty much all you have to know about his chances of getting the nomination, much less the keys to the Oval Office.

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