Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) said Wednesday that it’s “really arrogant” for people to say there’s a scientific consensus on man-made climate change.
“For the people to say the science is decided on this is really arrogant, to be honest with you,” the potential 2016 presidential contender said at a New Hampshire house party, as quoted by CNN. “It’s this intellectual arrogance that now you can’t have a conversation about it, even. The climate is changing. We need to adapt to that reality.”
Bush’s comments came in response to a commencement speech President Barack Obama delivered at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy earlier in the day. Obama made climate change the focus of the speech, arguing that “denying it or refusing to deal with it undermines our national security.”
While Bush acknowledged that the climate was changing, he didn’t agree with 97 percent of scientists who say that human activity fueled that change.
“I don’t think the science is clear of what percentage is man-made and what percentage is natural. It’s convoluted,” he said, as quoted by CNN.
The former Florida governor previously said he was “concerned” about climate change while discussing his energy policy at another event last month in the Granite State. While he didn’t say he believed climate change was man-made, he did consistently link it to carbon emissions, according to The Hill.
IT is THe HEighT of ArroGANCe to AssuME that SCIentists can TELL us EVeryTHING abOUT Science, INcluding GLoBAL warMING, WHere THEre IS Not COnsensUS AMONG 100% of ALL scienTISTS. DOES HUMANs CreATE GLOBAL warMING? WHY are YOU EVEn aSKING BUSH? HE’s NOt even A Scientist!1!!!one!!!1!!!
One more doofus who gets the benefits of modern science every day (medicine, autos, planes, optics, computers, etc) yet doesn’t understand it one bit. Jeb is proving that he is not the ‘smart one.’ Where’s Neil?
Can’t he just skip Presidenting and go straight to painting dogs?
Vying for some Koch money? They sure do like to use the term arrogant when talking about this President. Again, President Obama is smarter than they are and they hate him for it.