The anti-choice group National Pro-Life Alliance wanted Democratic congressional candidate James Woods to fill out a survey on his support of the “sanctity of life.” So Woods, in response, sent back campaign condoms with the words “prevent abortion” on the wrappers.
Woods (pictured), who is running to replace Rep. Matt Salmon (R-AZ) also sent back a letter explaining why he does not support the conservative group’s platform on abortion.
“Thank you for taking the time to write to me about your anti-abortion stance,” Woods wrote in a letter to the group, which was reported by the Phoenix New Times. “While I cannot support policies that jeopardize the health and the stability of women and their families, there are many measures that I do support that are proven to quickly enhance the well-being of women— and to significantly reduce abortion. These proven pro-family, pro-woman initiatives include: promoting sexually healthy, knowledgeable and responsible communities beginning in our K-12 schools; expanding publicly supported family planning services including universally accessible birth control for all women; and strengthening government empowerment programs for low-income women and their children.”
A Woods spokeswoman told the Arizona newspaper Woods also returned the survey.
“Woods did return the survey, but stood in opposition to the entire platform of the Alliance,” spokeswoman Seráh Blain told the Arizona newspaper.
See a picture of the condoms from James Woods for Congress, via the New Times, below:
(H/t: ThinkProgress)
(Photo via James Woods for Congress)
Good for him!
Well played sir, well played.
Cool. But what’s up with the Morpheus glasses?
He’s simply asking you to choose a blue pill vs. a red one.
I would move there just so I could vote for this guy.
Well done.