Indiana Lawmaker Denies Posting Meme Referring To Marchers As ‘Fat Women’

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An Indiana state senator is under fire for a Sunday post on his Facebook page that referred to women who gathered at the massive Women’s March on Washington as “fat,” The Indianapolis Star reported.

The meme shared on state Sen. Jack E. Sandlin’s (R) Facebook page said “In one day Trump got more fat women out walking than Michelle Obama did in 8 years,” according to screenshots. It was an apparent reference to the former first lady’s campaign for healthy eating and exercise.

After screenshots of the post circulated online to much criticism, the post was deleted from Sadlin’s profile, the Star reported. He then issued a message about the meme on his page denying that he published it.

“Apparently there is an offensive post on Facebook that’s attributed to me about women in Washington marching,” Sandlin wrote, according to the newspaper. “Not sure how that ended up on my Facebook wall but that certainly does not reflect my opinion of women. People who know me will know that’s not my view.”

After that post, too, drew criticism, it was deleted and Sandlin’s Twitter profile was made private.

“I don’t believe that I put it there,” Sandlin told the Star. “There’s always an outside chance that I could have hit something. I know others that have had stuff show up on their Facebook wall as well.”

Sandlin is not the only Indiana lawmaker under fire for crude comments about Saturday’s protestors. Indiana state Rep. Jim Lucas (R) shared a post that showed a female protestor being pepper sprayed in the face with the message “participation trophies, now in liquid form.”

After Lucas’s post received backlash, he issued several follow up messages on the same Facebook page, ranging from asking people to “lighten up” to posting pictures of puppies and kittens.

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Notable Replies

  1. Doesn’t the rube know that the first response is to claim your Facebook page has been hacked?

  2. Webster’s definition of “Hoosier”?


  3. “I don’t believe that I put it there,” Sandlin told the Star. “There’s always an outside chance that I could have hit something. I know others that have had stuff show up on their Facebook wall as well.”

    That’s the excuse you’re supposed to give when porn is found, idjut.

  4. Small children, that’s who we’re dealing with. In their minds, the only possible way to know if you’re doing something right is based on how many liberals they piss off. And sadly, I suspect they’d agree with that entirely and wonder why I’d consider that a put down. And that’s because they’re not smart enough to know what they’re doing. They don’t act, they react.

    And that’s why Trump is their leader. It’s like a 3rd grader leading the 1st graders. They know they’ll get a reaction if they pull the pigtails of the girl in front of them and that’s all they care about. Negative attention is better than no attention.

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