Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said in the aftermath of Wednesday’s shooting in which two journalists were killed that she would “take on” gun reform.
Two journalists for Virginia TV station WDBJ were shot during a live newscast Wednesday morning. Alison Parker and cameraman Adam Ward died shortly after the shooting in Moneta, Virginia. Their interview subject, Vicki Gardner, was reported to be in stable condition, according to CNN.
“We have got to do something about gun violence in America,” Clinton said at a news conference Wednesday in Iowa. “And I will take it on.”
She said she felt “great heartache” for Wednesday’s murders. Other presidential candidates took to social media to express their condolences to the victims’ loved ones.
“There is so much evidence that if guns were not so readily available, if we had universal background checks, if we could just put some time out between the person who’s upset because he got fired or the domestic abuse or whatever other motivation may be working on someone who does this, then maybe we could prevent this kind of carnage,” Clinton said.
Watch Clinton’s statements:
I hope she does-someone needs to go to the mat on this.
And this is one of the many reasons why she has my full support. The problem with gun violence in this country isn’t just about mental health, though that is one factor. The problem is the availability of guns. The ease of a jilted lover to grab a gun and go take their exes life, and the lives of everyone else who’s home, is the real problem. That’s what’s truly got to change.
Meanwhile, Faux is making this all about black-on-black violence, calling it a hate crime and asking “do white lives matter now?” They’re even pushing this video of a black woman ranting about black on black crime and murder that has now gone viral because millions of rednecks are loving the soundbite she fed them to get herself on tv.
Yet, what solutions will they offer? What solutions will they support? NONE. Everything anyone says about spending money on those communities will get shot down and answered with “we just need to put our foot down, stop helping them at all and tell them to stop it, grow up, be responsible adults and parents like us white people or else!!!”
And now, back to Honey Booboo…
So far, I’ve not heard a word from Bernie Sanders about this.
If he stays silent much longer—and I’m talking hours here, not days—he will have done significant damage to his campaign.
I could not agree more! Only problem is that most everybody who feels this way, including Hillary, rarely gets past the “something” with any specific proposals that are practical and politically possible. I have said for years that on a national level, or on the state level with national minimum standards, we should enact laws requiring all owners and users of firearms to be licensed, with the licensing process to include evidence of proper training and a thorough background check. No doubt the NRA will scream bloody murder, but it is my belief that such a system can be devised that will comport with with the “well-regulated militia” clause of the 2nd Amendment and will garner public favor.
Once licensed, one would easily be able to obtain a weapon or weapons and ammunition from a legal purveyor by merely presenting his/her license and having it scanned to insure that no events (arrests, psychological flags, etc) have compromised the license. In fact, such a license could be incorporated into state driver’s license systems that usually includes reports on similar relevant information.
Let the debate begin . . .