Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reclaimed New Hampshire from her rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) while celebrity tycoon Donald Trump continued his reign at the top of Republican contenders in the Public Policy Polling poll of likely New Hampshire voters released Tuesday.
Clinton earned 41 percent to Sanders’ 33 percent and Vice President Joe Biden’s 11 percent. Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley earned 4 percent.
This represents a six-point increase for Clinton and a 9-point drop for Sanders in the Granite State since PPP’s poll in August.
Trump led the field of likely New Hampshire Republican voters at 28 percent, followed by Florida Sen. Marco Rubio at 12 percent, retired neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson at 11 percent, and Ohio Gov. John Kasich at 10 percent. No other candidate in the crowded field polled in double digits.
The poll was conducted among 417 usual Republican primary voters and 393 usual Democratic primary voters from Oct. 16 through 18 with 80 percent completing the survey via landline and 20 percent completely the survey online. The Republican margin of error was 4.8 points while the margin of error for Democratic voters was 4.9 points.
Correction: The original version of this story mistakenly reported that Sanders polled at 11 percent. In fact he polled at 33 percent. We regret the error.
Fucking horse-race journalism.
not totally relevant to this article, but just consider this possibility for a moment (and it is a possibility, if not a probability):
President Ben Carson
Republican House led by a “Freedom Caucus” Speaker
Republican Senate, led by GOPers who are either sympathetic to the Tea Party or terrified by it (given a President Carson and FC Speaker)
I honestly believe that that would be the end of the world. No hyperbole.
We have given up serious reporting on what a candidate brings to a race in favour of polling every three or four hours and giving the gasbags on tv the latest opportunity to offer gems from their lazy journalism. And they rinse and repeat that for hours on end until another poll begins the cycle all over again.
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Fix the Sanders number in your story! It’s not 11%. I don’t support Bernie, but that is sloppy.
Also, polling stories help us understand what the public (in NH in this case) is responding to. Those too high-minded to consider them relevant might also consider not clicking on them just to complain. Your whining improves the dialog not at all.