Carly Fiorina came under fire this week for claiming during the GOP debate that the Planned Parenthood “sting” videos released by anti-abortion activists included a scene where one can watch “a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.”
The campaign has not been able to point to such a scene, nor can the makers of the film.
But that hasn’t stopped others seeking to use the videos to block the reproductive rights organization’s federal funding, including a conservative lawmaker ahead of a vote on a bill that would defund Planned Parenthood, from making similar claims.
The footage Hensarling appears to be referring to the Center for Medical Progress — the maker of the videos — has admitted it did not film itself, but rather attained from another anti-abortion group to “illustrate” the claims made by one of the video’s participants. The videos nor the Center for Medical Progress offered no proof that the footage was filmed in a Planned Parenthood, or even if it was of an aborted fetus. The Center for Medical Progress previously came under fire for using an image of a stillborn without the mother’s permission.
“If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.” ~ Florynce Kennedy
You know, back in 2012 I thought that blatant lying was a purely Mitt Romney thing. I was wrong. Republicans appear unable to open their mouths without uttering a lie. Ever.
The OTHER Jeb. This one has a droopy exclamation point.
IN ONe scene thE FETUs is LITERALLY PULLEd FROM the MOTher’s WOMB. IT’s trying TO CrawL BAck IN, it’s HOLDING On to the PLACENTa LIKE a drunk grasping for a BOTTLE of MD 20/20, LITTLE baby FINgers SLIPPIng, rIPPED from THE WOMB, SLAPPEd ON A TABLE. IT’s LITTLE HEart gouged OUT and left beating ON the TABLe. THUMP THUMP. THUMP THUMP.
A right-wing nut job lying through his teeth? Why, this is very unusual.