Hate Crimes Against Muslims In U.S. Have Tripled Since Paris Attacks

Local politicians and community leaders put their hands on Sarker Haque as he becomes emotional during a news conference in New York, Thursday, Dec. 10, 2015. Haque, who is a Muslim, was attacked in his store and the... Local politicians and community leaders put their hands on Sarker Haque as he becomes emotional during a news conference in New York, Thursday, Dec. 10, 2015. Haque, who is a Muslim, was attacked in his store and the police are investigating the incident as a hate crime. Advocacy groups believe there has been a spike in anti-Muslim incidents across the United States in recent weeks that can be linked to last week's mass shooting in California and the inflammatory rhetoric of Donald Trump and other Republican presidential candidates. And they say that Muslims are fearful the backlash could lead to further harassment and violence. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig) MORE LESS
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Hate crimes committed against Muslims and mosques in the U.S. have tripled since the Paris terrorist attacks, according to an analysis from the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University San Bernardino reviewed by the New York Times.

“The terrorist attacks, coupled with the ubiquity of these anti-Muslim stereotypes seeping into the mainstream, have emboldened people to act upon this fear and anger,” Brian Levin, the center’s director, told the New York Times.

According to the analysis, FBI data shows that in the past few years, there have been an average of 12.6 hate crimes against Muslims in the U.S. each month. But in the past month, 38 anti-Muslim incidents have occurred. Eighteen of the incidents occurred after the San Bernardino shooting, according to the Times. Levin told the Times that they gathered data on the past month from news reports and civil rights groups.

Although it has increased dramatically, the rate of anti-Muslim attacks has not reached the levels following the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

“I’m saddened by this but not surprised,” Levin told the Times. “Whenever we see intergroup conflicts making headlines, we often see a spike in hate crime accompanying it.”

Attacks against Muslims following the San Bernardino shooting include a woman throwing hot coffee at Muslims praying in a park and a man punching a Muslim store owner. Numerous mosques have also been vandalized or set on fire.

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Notable Replies

  1. Avatar for dnl dnl says:

    …and gun sales quadrupled. Prai$e Allah and pass the ammunition!

  2. And anyone who is surprised by this has obviously not been paying attention to the RWNJ’s actively encouraging this and inflaming the anger of their core constituency thru their official party entertainment channel on Fox.

  3. Well, no one could have foreseen that right?
    Look at Fiorina and the Colorado shooter. A direct connection between rethoric and the resulting violence, and she gets a couple of “hard” questions on a TV show.

  4. Avatar for jtx jtx says:

    Land of the Free, home of the Brave?

  5. ‘Hate crimes’ vs. ‘Terrorist attacks’…I see. When WE do it, it’s a hate crime…when those pesky brown skinned foreigners do it, terrorist attacks!!! Maybe if the politicians would stop dicking around with the history cirriculum in schools people would learn ‘the only thing to fear is fear itself’, the REAL Constitution as opposed to the garbage that is thrown out as talking points and learn to think for themselves again!

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