Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) said on Monday that if the Supreme Court rules against Hobby Lobby, which sued the federal government to block Obamacare’s contraception mandate, he’ll propose a constitutional amendment.
“I hope the Supreme Court doesn’t screw that up is all I can say,” Hatch said about the Hobby Lobby case during a Memorial Day speech in Wood Cross, Utah, according to the Salt Lake Tribune. “Because if they foul up the First Amendment again, we are going to have a constitutional amendment. And I believe I can put one on that everybody in this country, except the nuts, will support.”
“I shouldn’t talk like that, but I’ve reached an age that I can say whatever I want. Especially because it’s true,” he continued.
Hatch also warned that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act is in jeopardy.
“We’re in danger of losing that today because of some of these liberal courts and some of these liberal judges,” he said of the law passed in 1993. “I don’t care which church you belong to or whether you don’t belong to a church. Religious freedom is what keeps us free almost more than anything else.”
[H/t The Rachel Maddow Show]
Huzzah for the strict constitutionalists.
Hatch thinks he isn’t a nut? To slimers like Hatch not being able to impose your religious beliefs on others is taking away the religious freedom of the extremities
I guess they’re quaking in their boots over at SCOTUS because Orrin Hatch on a rampage is a pretty fearful sight.
He’s got them magic underoos in a bunch…not a pretty sight.
Good. Keep up the anti-gay fight. It’s your party that’s getting hammered over it as long as you choose to fight it.