Sen. Hatch Calls Blasey Ford ‘Attractive, Good Witness’ And ‘Pleasing’

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Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) had an odd choice of words when characterizing professor Christine Blasey Ford to reporters outside of the hearing room, according to CNN.

“I don’t think she’s uncredible,” he said. “I think she’s an attractive, good witness.” When asked for clarification about what he meant by “attractive,” he said: “In other words, she’s pleasing.”

A Hatch spokesman tried to clean up the comment, which many considered a questionable choice to describe the victim of an alleged sexual assault.

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Notable Replies

  1. Dear Hatch family,

    It’s long past time to shuffle Grampaw Orrin off to the Springfield Retirement Castle. And bring Grassley with him too to keep him company, feeding rabid squirrels and making horribly inappropriate remarks to amuse each other from the dustbin of history.

  2. Avatar for tena tena says:

    Good god, Orrin - it sounds like you are describing a 16 year old girl in a binder full of marriageable Mormon maidens.

    Shouldn’t you be headed for your own planet by now? Do you think somehow you’re already there?

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