CNN found and alerted the government to a glaring error in the Freedom of Information Act portal that reveal dozens of social security numbers and other sensitive information.
The website has now been fixed, though the information was reportedly available for weeks.
From the linked article:
Let’s see, maintained by the EPA; reveals who has requested the information; reveals what information has been requested. In other words: Targeting information.
Well done, EPA!
Freedom of Information Act
Orwellian name, in this instance…
So we have an ex-CIA agent’s(Democrat, of course) personnel file illegally leaked, now this. On top of Omarosa running around the White House taping everyone from the President to the landscapers, Trump with an unsecured cellphone, babbling top-secret level material to high-ranking Russians. It’s as if this Administration doesn’t understand security except when it’s to cover their asses.
Need I say more. Unfortunately, there aren’t big enough caps on this site to scream this point loud enough.