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Gawker Takes Credit For Mussolini Account That Trump Retweeted

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Gawker took credit on Sunday for trolling Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump with an account that tweeted quotes by dictator Benito Mussolini, but credited them as quips from the real estate mogul.

Earlier in the day, Trump retweeted one of them.

Here’s Trump’s retweet:

Trump defended retweeting the quote during an interview with NBC News’ “Meet the Press” and said he wanted “to be associated with interesting quotes.”

But, the user “@ilduce2016” was created by Gakwer senior writer Ashley Feinberg and Gawker Media Editorial Labs director Adam Pash, the publication wrote on Sunday in a post entitled “How We Fooled Donald Trump Into Tweeting Benito Mussolini.”

Gawker wrote that it was a “trap for Trump” to see if he would retweet the account.

Read Gawker’s full explanation.

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  1. Avatar for pshah pshah says:

    Mussolini? I don’t know a thing about him. If he supports me, I can’t do anything about that. I’ll have to look into him, I suppose. And, who’s this Hitler fellow I’ve been hearing about?

  2. Damn, you beat me to it!

  3. Avatar for tena tena says:

    The stupidest thing in this entire egregiously stupid presidential campaign season is all the people running around claiming to be populists. First of all, there is nothing good about populism -that’s exactly what elected Mussolini and Hitler. I’ve seen FDR referred to a populist and that’s a straight hoot.

    That word gets bandied around and it makes me nervous because nothing good ever came from a populist.

  4. Moral of the story:
    Twits lacking impulse control or common sense about what they tweet should avoid using Twitter.

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