Kendal Unruh, a Colorado Republican delegate who led the Free the Delegates Movement, was unswayed by Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) Friday endorsement of Donald Trump and took to Twitter to make her position clear.
“Cruz is not my conscience,” she wrote. “I will still be voting my conscience.”
Cruz is not my conscience. I will still be voting my conscience.
— Kendal Unruh (@ConscienceVoter) September 24, 2016
In his primetime speech at the Republican National Convention in July, Cruz conspicuously declined to endorse Trump onstage, drawing boos from the crowd as security escorted his wife, Heidi, from the venue.
“Vote your conscience,” he urged, in an apparent nod to a clause written and proposed by Unruh before the convention.
The “conscience clause” was proposed by a group of anti-Trump delegates, led by Unruh, who hoped to change party rules so that delegates could “unbind” themselves and support a candidate of their choosing. It was voted down by the Rules Committee a week before the convention.
On Friday, Cruz abandoned his principled stand against Trump to give the GOP nominee a full-throated endorsement, citing his own convention speech.
“After many months of careful consideration, of prayer and searching my own conscience, I have decided that on Election Day, I will vote for the Republican nominee, Donald Trump,” Cruz wrote in a post on his Facebook page. “And if you don’t want to see a Hillary Clinton presidency, I encourage you to vote for him.”
It speaks volumes about a man that he would endorse a person that aggressively slandered and insulted both his wife and his father. How many women out there would expect better of their husbands than this? How many wouldn’t let it go unanswered, even if behind closed doors was as far as it got?
I knew Jiminy Cricket. He was a friend of mine. Senator, you’re no Jiminy Cricket.
Did he get a “facial” from Donnie?
AfteR prayIng harD to sweeT babY Jesus that trUmp doesn’t start global Thermonuclear waR, I’m vOting my conscience for TrumP because crooked HitlarY is Benghazi servers anD founDation. She might Also have super cancer Mrsa aids so looK unpresidential.
I would never vote for Cruz but at least I admired his stance. Now he has forsaken that.stance. Does he, in fact, have conscience?