Rev. Franklin Graham Warns Fox Viewers DC Has Been ‘Infiltrated By Muslims’

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The Rev. Franklin Graham warned Fox News viewers on Thursday night that governments in the West, “especially in Washington,” have been “infiltrated by Muslims.”

Graham, the son of the evangelist preacher Rev. Billy Graham and president of the group named after him, was responding to a question from Fox News host Bill O’Reilly’s about why the world “will not unite to stop” the Islamic State terrorist group.

Franklin Graham began to answer by assuring Muslim viewers that he loved and was praying for them before continuing.

“One of the problems we have in the West is that our governments, especially in Washington, has been infiltrated by Muslims who are advising the White House, who I think are part of the problem,” Graham said. “And we see this also in Western Europe. They have gotten into the halls of power.”

O’Reilly pushed back, asking for Graham to name a Muslim adviser to President Obama.

“I do know that they are there. I’ve been told this by a number of people,” Graham responded. “I’m not saying that they’re sitting next to the President, whispering into his ear. But they are in the halls.”

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Notable Replies

  1. I’m more concerned that it’s been infiltrated by Christian extremists like this idiot.

  2. Last time I checked, Frankie, there was a Commandment against bearing false witness.

  3. Avatar for sjk sjk says:

    Christo-Fascist Whisperer.

  4. “I do know that they are there. I’ve been told this by a number of
    people,” Graham responded. “I’m not saying that they’re sitting next to
    the President, whispering into his ear. ** But they are in the halls**.”

    Is he referring to some of the members of the janitorial staff?

  5. Fuck you, Graham, you hypocritical racist, fascist, homophobic moron, and the Sky Fairy you rode in on. And fuck that decrepit father of yours, too, who is just as much of an asshole as you are but has been propped up by the media as some kind of rational Christian. They are both just as extremist as any other religious terrorist, and should be treated with the respect a vile piece of shit deserves. Stop treating these idiots with deference. Scream insults in their goddamned faces. That is all they deserve.

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