Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) said Thursday that he had seen “no additional corroborating information” after viewing the results of the FBI background investigation of allegations of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, CNN reported.
CNN noted that Flake said he needed to “finish reviewing the material,” in the network’s words, and that Flake agreed with Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), who said the probe was “thorough.”
“OK, let’s see here … who ordered the fig leaves?”
Flake’s got me totally stumped. If he was going to vote yes all along, why in the world would he extend this whole thing for an additional week+??? He could’ve gotten his yes vote in without the devastating testimony by Dr. Ford. How did this help him personally or the GOP politically at all?
Well it is obvious for all the looks of concern, self doubt and appearance of intense inner turmoil, Jeff is going to be Jeff. See, the report says good to go. Conscience cleared. Jeff wanders off, whistling a happy tune until the need to contort his face muscles again into unfamiliar grimaces strikes again.
It’s Acting! Grand theater! To create a point of plausibility until he puts his hat in the ring. See I was the sensible one, see I asked for more information, see I slowed the process down. Oh and vote for me!
Well Dems, need to start writing up the perjury charges and subpoenas.