America’s workers: You have until the age of 30 to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and earn more than the minimum wage, lest you want conservative blogger Erick Erickson to deem you a failure.
Filling in has host for Rush Limbaugh’s radio show on Thursday, the RedState editor wasn’t exactly sympathetic to the fast-food workers who have gone on strike to demand a $15 hourly wage.
“The minimum wage is mostly people who failed at life and high school kids,” Erickson said.
“Seriously, look. I don’t mean to be ugly with you people. What? So my producer from my show is in here and he’s just staring at me, can’t believe I said this. If you’re a 30-something-year-old person and you’re making minimum wage you’ve probably failed at life.”
Mediaite has audio of Erickson’s remarks.
And clearly making such a ridiculous dou****** response means you’ve failed at humanity and any baseline understanding of economics.
Another entitled rich white guy who wouldn’t survive one day on the minimum wage has no room to attack those who live off of minimum wage.
I would gladly risk a jail term to spit in this poster boy for pro-choice’s face.
Clearly Erick is an idiot, but that is not news.
You’d think he’d have a little more sympathy for the many thousands of people who have prepared what he has stuffed down that face.