Fifty-three percent of the 25,000 early votes cast on Sunday in Georgia and North Carolina came from black voters, according to The New York Times’ Upshot, likely a promising sign to the Democratic Senate candidates in those two states.
By comparison, 27 percent of all early voters in those two states were black this cycle, the Upshot also pointed out. Meanwhile, 68 percent of the total early votes in North Carolina and Georgia were white. On Sunday, 40 percent of early voters were white.
Those numbers also highlight one possible incentive for Republican efforts to roll back early voting on Sunday. In North Carolina, notably, there is no early voting on the Sunday before the election. This past Sunday was the only Sunday where people could do in-person voting in 2014, according to the Upshot.
Both Sens. Kay Hagan (D-NC) and Democrat Michelle Nunn (GA) are hoping a strong turn out of black voters will help boost them over North Carolina House Speaker Thom Tillis and Georgia’s David Perdue, the respective Republican Senate candidates in those states.
Souls to the Polls: It’s real, and it shows up in the numbers on Sunday
— Nate Cohn (@Nate_Cohn) October 29, 2014
Well, obviously they need to stop voting on Sundays and shut down the Black churches. D’uh!
Thank you NAACP and all of the others involved in the Moral Mondays, and all of the other outreach you are doing, to show minorities how their vote is being threatened. As I heard one black man interviewed say yesterday, one sure way you can make sure to get us out to vote, is to try and tell us that we can’t.
ILLEgaL BlaCK vOTERs DOUble VOTING shOW the DEsPERATIon of LIBtards. RePUBLICans Will TAKE the HOUSe and THE seNATe and THIS wiLL BReaK GRIDLOCK BEcaUS NOBAMA HAS to siGN the BILLS or faCE IMPEaCHMEnt for CRIMEs AGAINSt the COnstitution and the BIble. NOTHING will be sTOPPIng the REPUBlican juGGERNAUt!!1!!!1!one!!11!!11!!
“one possible incentive” Possible?
The future of Republican voting will be an App for your corporate phone. And ten minutes on November Tuesdays to submit it. The App will be distributed freely at NRA meetings, but otherwise will be obtained from a page on each states’ web site, although hours of availability may vary.